GMFP2P – Sioned Webb

Status: Married
Age: 40
About me: I’m married, live with my husband Gareth in Abergavenny, South Wales with our two children, son Dewi 5 and daughter Nel 4. We have a mad Jack Russell dog called Billy. I’ve recently joined AluK as their Head of Marketing, which I’m thrilled an excited about the challenge ahead. But I’m not new to the industry having worked for REHAU over 10 years ago – it’s nice to return and see some (not so young) familiar faces again!
Cycling/Canoeing experience: Very Very limited! I don’t even own a bike currently! As for canoeing….well I do remember going for a canoeing jaunt with my sister while abroad on holiday in Turkey some many many years back which didn’t end well…and I was put off doing again until now.
Motivation: I’m never one to shy away from a challenge so that was enough motivation in itself. However, having lost my mum very quickly to cancer in 2013, I experienced the pain of watching her pass away. I cannot imagine being faced with that with my own children. I’m blessed and feel very thankful that I have two healthy children unlike the families at Hope House Children’s Hospice. So as I turned the big 40 this year, I suppose I have the opportunity not only to meet new people, have fun, feel proud that I can achieve such a tough challenge like this, but that I have done my little bit to help raise much needed funds.
Fears: Oh gosh! I have a few; not achieving the right fitness levels prior, failing to complete the challenge for whatever reason.
Expectations: I expect it to be tough, a great challenge, fun, an event never to forget and more importantly expect (demand) that we have a good summer next year!! No rain during that week please!
One critical item you’ll be taking with you: My husband who was once an avid cyclist would tell me to ensure I have some key piece of cycling equipment, clothing or such like….but for me it’ll be a bottle of Bollinger at the finishing line at the ready with a big bag of Haribo sweets! Cheers!