GMFP2P – Christina Shaw

Job: Director, Glass News and Fenestra Build Publications
About me: Love working hard and playing hard! I’m a lucky lady with a gorgeous nine-year old son, Oliver, and engaged to a wonderful man with two lovely girls, Chloe aged 12 and Sophie aged 17. We love nothing more than spending family time together. I adore what I do for a living which is dealing with all the wonderful characters within the window industry.
Cycling/Canoeing experience: Never been in a canoe and don’t like cycling (especially hills)! That will change though as I’m determined to conquer both!
Motivation: I want to prove to myself that I can do this challenge as I’ve never taken anything on like this before. I’ve also known GM Fundraising since its inception and have admired the work they do and the worthy cause, so it’s fantastic to be able to contribute and get involved.
Fears: Fear of failure is a part of my personality. Specifically for this challenge though it’s got to be open water! I don’t even like it when they put the rapids on at a leisure pool! I’m terrified of heights, so I’m not sure I’ll be doing the abseil yet, but I’ll have to take that one as it comes!
Expectations: I know it’s going to be tough but I’m prepared for that. Training properly is key, so it’s going to be a long hard slog to get fit enough to enjoy the actual event. Working with the team of ladies involved will be great and I think although we are all competitive, we will work together well to make sure each and every one of us, gets to the finish line. I’m already looking forward to the party at the end!
One critical item you’ll be taking with you: Deep Heat!