Brisant Secure Confirms Headline Sponsorship of ‘From Russia With Hope’

GM Fundraising is delighted to announce that the headline sponsor of ‘From Russia With Hope’ – our next epic cycling challenge that will take place in June 2019 – will be Brisant Secure.
“As one of our industry’s most high-profile brands, we are absolutely thrilled that Brisant Secure has agreed to be the headline sponsor of ‘From Russia With Hope’,” says Gary Morton, founder of GM Fundraising. “Brisant Secure takes security to a new level with its full range of top performance, premium quality security hardware, including the innovative Ultion lock and Lock Lock handle solutions. Being associated with and supported by such a fabulous brand is key to the success of all our fundraising events, but in particular the cycling challenges. There is a lot of work and cost involved in organising these events and I know that Nick, Steve and the team will be a great help in us reaching our goals for the event. The team always covers their personal costs but having the commitment of Brisant as headline sponsor means that every penny raised in support of this challenge will go directly to the children and families at Hope House Children’s Hospices, our nominated charity.”
Nick Dutton, CEO of Brisant Secure explains why the company has committed to supporting From Russia With Hope: “We are proud to support GM Fundraising on their ‘From Russia With Hope’ cycling challenge, which promises to be one of their toughest ever events. GM Fundraising continues to be the industry’s charity of choice and has done an incredible job over the years to support those less who are much less fortunate than ourselves at Hope House Children’s Hospices. We’re looking forward to promoting this event together and helping the team achieve their fundraising targets.”
Gary concludes: “Brisant Secure has already shown incredible support to GM Fundraising this year by donating £5,000 to mark the success of their 5,000-hour salt water testing on Lock Lock, and we are delighted that they are supporting the ride. From Russia With Hope will be the 7th major GM Fundraising Cycling Challenge. The challenge is to cycle from Russia back to Hope House in Oswestry, covering ten countries, a day of cycling in the arctic circle, with many additional challenges along the way,. The full details and team will be announced at the ride launch in September of this year.”
For more information on Brisant Secure visit: