£65,212.47 for Hope House
As well as the recent launch of Hope 66 by GM Fundraising, the industry’s preferred charity also used the event to present Hope House Children’s Hospices with a cheque for £65,212.47p.
GM Fundraising was set up in 1995 by Gary Morton, a well-known industry figurehead. Over the last 17 years, GM Fundraising has become the charity of choice for the glazing industry and is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers.
Over the years the team have put together charity golf days, gala dinners and more recently a number of cycling challenges. In 2013 a team of 15 riders and 6 support crew will tackle a 2,616 journey across the iconic Route 66 in the USA, branded as ‘Hope 66’ in just 14 days and this has been generously supported by Mighton Products. The route from Chicago to Santa Monica will take riders across the desert in Arizona and over the Rocky Mountains, along with a 100 mile day for each rider across the desert to Amarillo.
This latest cheque from the charity will take the total raised to over £850,000 with a view to passing the magical £1mliion barrier in the next 18 months. Gary Morton, founder and chairman of GM Fundraising comments: “We’re delighted to hand over such a large cheque to Hope House. More than ever the families they support need our help and we can achieve that with the continued generosity from the industry.”